AviLighting Research Featured at IPSF 2021

AviLighting was recently featured in two presentations at the 2021 International Poultry Scientific Forum which was held on January 25-26, 2021

Source and link to abstracts

M26 - Effect of variable light intensity lighting program on dustbathing behavior of commercially housed broilers. Seong Kang *1, Karen Christensen 2, Michael Kidd Jr 1, James Clark 2. 1 University of Arkansas, 2 Tyson Foods, Inc.

“Result indicates that voluntary natural behavior, dust-bathing, of birds was stimulated by dual light intensity program as well as natural light program in the commercial broiler production conditions, suggesting a beneficial effect of the variable lighting program on broilers’ natural motivation and exercise.”

M27 - Choice lighting effects on wellbeing and health of broilers. Michael Kidd *1, Seong Kang 1, Karen Christensen 2, Sami Dridi 1. 1 University of Arkansas, 2 Tyson Foods.

“…choice lighting demonstrated lower percent lameness and improved FCR compared to several conventional lighting programs, but more work is needed to determine choice lighting’s efficacy in commercial broiler production.”


Poultry House Emissions Research